The Hetairas


The Hetairas, explore the management of political and social power through eroticism. In ancient Greece, they were the priestesses of the cult of Venus Aphrodite. They constituted a social class. They were the only women trained intellectually and educated both in etiquette and in the love arts. They were considered women of great prestige and power. In universal history, we recognize them as the lovers who, from their place, exercised great political influence.

Las Hetairas


Las Hetairas, exploran el manejo de poder político y social a través del erotismo. En la antigua Grecia, eran las sacerdotisas del culto a Venus Afrodita. Constituían una clase social. Eran las únicas mujeres formadas intelectualmente y educadas tanto en etiqueta como en las artes amatorias. Se les consideraban mujeres de mucho prestigio y poder. En la historia universal, las reconocemos como las amantes que desde su lugar, ejercieron gran influencia política.

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